
Custom Envelopes Shatter Pack Container Branded Marijuana CBD Packaging Cannabis

MFY(ManufactureForYou) Custom shatter containers are always in high demand, Shatter is a type of cannabis concentrate, shatter specifically refers to a texture of concentrate that breaks and shatters like glass, rather than pulling like taffy. It is created by extracting the cannabinoids, terpenes, and other chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant usually from dried cannabis.
Our custom branded shatter container provides an effective way to keep products intact while maintaining a professional appearance. These containers have a customizable design, allowing businesses to incorporate their branding directly onto them. They are also made from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and optimal protection. Additionally, they are designed to be non-stick, facilitating easy cleaning and reuse.


Время выполнения заказа: 2 недели.

Минимальный заказ: 500
Размеры в наличии:

  • Size 57 x 89mm .

Материал: Paper
Настройка: С заказным

Регулируйте количество, платите меньше

Количество Скидка (%) Цена
1 000 - 1 999 - $0.53
2 000 - 4 999 11.32 % $0.47
5 000 - 9 999 16.98 % $0.44
10 000+ 33.96 % $0.35
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Продукт Описание

Customize Custom Shatter Pack With Your Own Brand

MFY (ManufactureForYou) Custom Shatter Pack with your own custom logo. Are you as drawn to the mylar bags as we are? We’d love to help you get started! We are special finish experts and the glow finish is one of our favorites, making it a must-have item for your loyal customers . Create custom Custom Shatter Cassette Pack tailored to your customers’ preferences . 

Custom Envelopes Shatter Cassette Pack Container Branded Marijuana CBD Packaging Cannabis
Custom Envelopes Shatter Cassette Pack Container Branded Marijuana CBD Packaging Cannabis

Держите все вместе

Это одновременно стильно и функционально.

Он идеально подходит для хранения ваших любимых трав и хранения предметов первой необходимости.

Технический принт с вашей собственной настройкой.

Не упустите возможность приобрести этот уникальный и высококачественный предмет.

Прошлое Custom Shatter Pack проекты

Custom Shatter Pack особенности

Custom Envelopes Shatter Cassette Pack Container Branded Marijuana CBD Packaging Cannabis

The Best Package

Custom Envelopes Shatter Cassette Pack Container Branded Marijuana CBD Packaging Cannabis

Custom Branded

Custom Envelopes Shatter Cassette Pack Container Branded Marijuana CBD Packaging Cannabis

Четкий принт, прочность и долговечность

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