
Custom 2 Layers Acrylic Plastic Octagon Grinder Top Logo

MFY(ManufactureForYou) 2PC 49mmx25mm acrylic grinder. Upgrade Your Dispensary’s Grinding Experience With Our Stylish Acrylic Plastic Grinder

Минимальный заказ: 240
Turnaround Time: 3 Weeks

  • Sizes φ49mmxH25mm
  • Colors Red,Transparent,Yellow,Orange,Green,Blue,Black

Материал: Acrylic
Настройка: УФ-печать

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Продукт Описание

Custom Plastic Acrylic Grinder

MFY (ManufactureForYou) Custom Acrylic Grinder. High-quality 3PC 60mm CLEAR acrylic grinder,Full color UV printing on the top part,Efficient grinding mechanism,Durable and long-lasting construction Compact and portable design.

Custom 2 Layers Acrylic Plastic Octagon Grinder Top Logo
Custom 2 Layers Acrylic Plastic Octagon Grinder Top Logo

Держите все вместе

This grinder is both stylish and functional.

Our herb grinders are crafted with superior quality and feature sharp diamond teeth, ensuring a premium grinding experience. The included scraper adds convenience and completes the package, taking your brand to the next level!.

Не упустите возможность приобрести этот уникальный и высококачественный предмет.

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Acrylic Plastic Grinders особенности

Custom 2 Layers Acrylic Plastic Octagon Grinder Top Logo

2 PC Grinder

Custom 2 Layers Acrylic Plastic Octagon Grinder Top Logo

Sharp Teeth

Custom 2 Layers Acrylic Plastic Octagon Grinder Top Logo

Light And Transparent

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MFY (ManufactureForYou)
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